Speed Climbing Techniques: The Indonesian

Speed Climbing Techniques: The Indonesian
Veddriq Leonardo during "The Indonesian"

Techniques can be seen as modifications or innovations of the previous techniques, the Tomoa is an innovation of the Reza, the Reza is a modification of the Classic start; as these the Indonesian is a modification of the long move with the sequence 13-15-foot 11 (see the video down here).

Ludovico Fossali during the 2021 World Cup Final in Salt Lake City

It has been introduced after the long break of the Covid-19 and has been leveraged to the fullest during the first World Cup in Salt Lake in 2021 by the Indonesian national team athletes Leonardo and Katibin, which had a gap of almost 1 full second from the finalists average time.

The difference between the indonesian and the previous technique is that the 11th foot is no more used with the right hand but the hold number 15 is matched, like this you have more time to push harder, even if the subsequent move becomes quite long.

Katibin and Leonardo during the 2021 World Cup Final in Salt Lake City

It never happened that two athletes of the same team got such a gap from all the other athletes, for sure they where on another planet from the physical side but even the new technique that they introduced helped them!

The competition finished with the first two steps of the podium with two indonesian athletes and 7 runs faster than the previous world record.

Now Emma Hunt is keeping high the name of this move by making many times near the world record in every competition, and of course, she won the 2024 Salt Lake City World Cup with this move!

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