Speed Climbing App

Come and see the revolution for your speed climbing trainings.

We started to optimize the process of data collecting with Excel and than after a long time of optimizing these Excel file, it came to our mind the idea to help all the Speed Climbing community to optimize the processes of data collecting and monitoring through an app that can be used by anyone at any time.

So the idea was to develop an app that collected and analyzes all the data and give the opportunity to Coaches and Federations to monitor the progresses of their athletes through two web portals that give the opportunity to view all the data collected by the athletes.

Like this we started in January 2023 the development of an app that can bring together athletes from all around without the necessity of moving thousands and thousands of chilometers.

The goal is to make the community stronger, closer and more informed about their performances.

So we came up with this idea that has been realized thanks to European Founds of the Emilia-Romagna Region.