Speed Climbing Techniques: The Classic Start

Many techniques have been developed over the years, but where did they start? We can say that all speed climbers started out using a common technique, which we can call the Classic technique. But how it's done?

Speed Climbing Techniques: The Classic Start
Marcin Dzienski doing The Classic Start

Going under 5 seconds is the goal of today's speed climbers. Many techniques have been developed over the years, but where did they start? We can say that all speed climbers started out using a common technique, which we can call the Classic technique. But how it's done?

Almost all holds of the first third of the wall are used in this technique. An initial two-hand jump takes us to hold 3, then the left hand goes on hold 4, and again a two-hand jump on hold 5 bring us on the second third of the wall.

Classic Start for Stanislav Kokorin and Quixin Zhong at the World Championship 2011 in Arco, Italy (still belaying with ropes)

Using all the holds in the first section is certainly an advantage for beginners, but it inevitably leads to a shift to the left and a subsequent movement to the right, thus forcing one to "travel more space."

The first replacement to this technique has been The Vaichekowsky (you can read about it here) and secondly The Reza, soon you can read the article here, don't forget to Subscribe to remain always updated!

We think that the best performances with this technique have been reached by Marcin Dzienski that have won 3 World Cups and a World Championship in a row, yes it's right, one after the other he won everything.

And by the still fastest woman in the world Aleksandra Miroslaw that had kept it till 2022 when she switched to the Tomoa skip to destroy some other World Records.

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